
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rum Cay

After a week in George Town we decided to take advantage of a storm front coming down and head to Rum Cay.  The wind was out of the east most of the week then SE.  This morning the wind started out of the S then SW as we left the harbor.  The first part of the sail was with the motor and relatively easy.  When we got around the top of Long Island we changed direction slightly for Rum Cay and were able to sail at about 6.5 knots.
I like it sailing down wind on a broad reach mostly because I don't notice the 4-6 foot ocean swell as much.  Although the boat doesn't seem to like sailing down wind.  It gets pushed from side to side.
While making lunch the wind shifted and the storm front moved in.  We had to do a jibe because of the wind shift to stay on course.  The wind also picked up so we pulled in the genoa and sailed with a single reef in the main, still going 5-6 knots.  It rained off and on as the front moved through.
"Land Ho!" Are some of my favorite words but we still had 2 hours ahead of us.
For my land loving friends and family realize that 5-6 knots is approximately 7 miles per hour.  I can run faster than our boat sails.
We zig zagged through the coral heads and made it to the only marina on Rum Cay called Sumner Point Marina. It is out of business now due to hurricane damage so free.  Yes!
Next thing was tying up which took and hour because the wind was still blowing hard and pushing us off the dock.
We caught a cero makarel along the way, so dinner was easy.  We fed the leftovers to the nurse sharks and lemon sharks.  The sharks possibly outnumber the residents of this cay.  It is small and extremely friendly.
We definitely had a great time here.
On this Cay there are a few stone sculptures.  This gargoyle the kids especially liked. 

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