
Friday, April 4, 2014

Back in George Town

It is getting close to Family Island Regatta time.  We are here in George Town, Elizabeth Harbor for a few days or a couple of weeks.  We never really know where and when we might go next.
While we are here we have been enjoying everything there is to do here.  Hiking, swimming, beach time, fresh produce whenever you need it, water, and more.

This is a great place to be for cruisers.  We also have good internet.  Finally!

So here are some pictures that I didn't get to post earlier because of our slow connection.

Our new family portrait on Boo Boo Hill

At Black Point with our cruising friends aboard SV Perry

Sand Man and Family

Samantha opened up a hair saloon on the boat.  Don't we all look nice?

A Junkanoo Outfit we found in the Ragged Islands.   Doesn't he look colorful?

Artwork made today.  We are working on ideas for all the shells we collect.

More mosaic art.
All the catch for our bon fire in Lee Stocking Island.

The Boyz at the bon fire.

Of course the Girls too!

More Conch!

The cutest Hikers on all the Islands

Nick's artwork.  

Samantha's artwork.


  1. Aunt Sara told me there was confusion about Moose's profession. I'm pretty sure I said, "Moose isn't a rocket scientist" rather than "Moose flies rockets." :) - Uncle Tom

  2. Hi Staci, just checking on you & see you are still having fun! Glad for all of you. Mary Jane


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