
Thursday, November 21, 2013

St. Catherines Sound, GA.

We left Sailcraft Service in Oriental bright and early on Friday the 15th to make our way out to the ocean at Beaufort Inlet for a 34 hour passage south to Winyah Bay, SC.  We were going to go all the way to Charleston but the wind was light and on our stern with the seas hitting us abeam causing the boat to roll uncomfortably so we decided to cut it short by 40 miles and go in while the sun was still up. Each day since then we've travelled 40-60 miles down the ICW and are currently anchored off St. Catherine's Island in Georgia.  We stretched our journey today to get to this anchorage because we knew there was an open wifi signal here which is surprising because it is in the middle of nowhere. Daddy loves his internet.

We'll hang out here tomorrow to do some chores on the boat and maybe get out to the beach for a while.

The new water tank in place

The cabinetry reinstalled

A nice king mackerel we caught on passage

Our girl lost another tooth

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