
Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting Work Done

It has been just over a year ago that we bought our lovely boat.  She has served us well and kept us living the dream.  Not a day goes by that we don't notice something that could use a little work or touch up.  Slowly we are working our way through the list.

Today was one of those days to catch up.

Breakfast in the cockpit

Morning Hair

New fuel filter and carburetor cleaning for the dingy motor.
You couldn't even tell it took a swim in the Bahamas.  

New finish for the companion way teak.
Much needed after the old water tank took out a big chunk.

Searching for screws.  Who knew you would need a bottle full?

New fenders for the dinghy.

Sunset and drinks.
Hard to believe a place like this has a good wifi signal.

Our lovely screen to keep out mosquitos and no-see-ums.
I love this screen!

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