
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We've made it to Oriental,NC and are in a marina for the next two nights to do laundry,provision, and take nice, warm showers.  This is a nice little town that's way into sailing. There are 3000 sailboats docked here but only 800 residents. Within five minutes of being here a complete stranger came up to us, asked us where we've come from and then offered us a ride to the grocery store.

On Monday the weather was warm and sunny, finally. Staci and Samantha worked on making a cross stitched Christmas stocking while Nicholas relaxed.

Yesterday we left our anchorage in the North River to cross Albermarle Sound in beautiful, calm conditions and as we entered the Alligator river a cold front came in with winds of 25-30 knots. Here is a picture of the front:


  1. That front looks cold and scary.

    Gonna miss you at baking weekend this year, but I'll eat some for you.

  2. Oh Staci....those pictures warm my heart! Spending time with the kids working on crafts and just soaking in all their preciousness.....that is what this adventure is all about. Enjoy life and family time!

    Miss you chica, safe sailing!

  3. Were you not scared to see that front coming? Isn't it dangerous? I am so happy that you get the time to enjoy life with your family. Enjoy! You deserve all the good happening to you! Julie


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