
Friday, November 16, 2012

A Day in the Life is Staci

7:00 AM. I am awakened to a warm body crawling into bed with me. Oh, it is Nicholas my 4 year old son. Soon my daughter Samantha follows him into our bed and Paul my husband gets up to go return our Red box movie we rented last night for pizza movie night. Usually we would be getting under way by now but we are staying for a while at our dock this morning.
8:00 AM after breakfast we decide to go for a family bike around the neighborhood of Oriental, NC. This makes bringing the bikes totally worth while even though we look like the Beverly Hillbillies as we cruise the coast.
10:00 AM we anchored at Oriental harbor to run errands before our departure to the next destination. We all ride over to the town dingy dock with our boat extras like a spinnaker pole, anchor, and cooler. We no longer need these things so are taking them to the consignment shop. We take our ride over in our dingy which we have nick named Baby Jane crowded all in with our stuff.
10:30 AM we get to our dock and the kids and I go find ice cream of all things and Paul goes to the consignment.
12:00 PM we pull up the anchor without incident or stress with 2 pounds of fresh shrimp from Garlad Fulcher.
1:00 PM I realize that we forgot to eat lunch. After getting over mothers guilt I feed the family and we make it into Beaufort, NC town limits with some stress over the channel and the depth of the Chanel. Will we make it without running aground?
We certainly did. We got diesel fuel which was stressfully because of the wind, the current, and the expensive boats surrounding the dock.
3:05 PM after fuel we are waiting for the bridge to open at 3:30 so we decide to try to anchor but run aground. There is a first time for everything except we didn't have to call sea tow. We were able to push through and create a new channel with the boat.
After we anchored at 4:00 PM we cook our wonderful fresh shrimp. Wow! Fresh shrimp is amazing.
We will go to bed soon after the kids. I am looking forward to reading more of Seabiscuit the book for the kids before bedtime.
Tomorrow we are up early to beat the other boaters to the next anchorage.
More pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds busy. So much for "relaxing", huh?

    Baking weekend is coming up and it's going to be so weird without you.


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