
Saturday, June 27, 2015

BVIs to Statia to St. Kitts

     We didn’t stay long enough in the British Virgin Islands to even create a blog post.  The wind turned favorable for a trip over to the other islands so we took it.  We skipped St. Martin and aimed toward St. Kitts in hopes to gain a better point of sail.  Unfortunately it was tough for our boat to sail so we motor-sailed through the night.  We took a lot of water over the bow and the wave action caused some sea sickness (even with my medication).  The sailing was uncomfortable for all so we decided to cut our trip by about 4 hours and picked up a mooring in St. Eustatia.  The harbor had quite a roll to it so we spent another hour putting out a stern anchor to bring the bow into waves.  This worked but we decided not to stay and headed to St. Kitts the next morning.  

     In St. Kitts we stayed in the marina in Basseterre to check in and recover from our crazy trip over.  The price was more than reasonable.  Father’s Day was quiet in town and not much open.  The next day a cruise ship came into port and it was like a different city with everything open and people everywhere.  We did a lot of walking through town and spent time buying produce from local vendors.  We noticed a lot of Bob Marley merchandise.  Pretty much the only image on any person living or dead on any article of clothing was Bob Marley.  

     We had to make another trip to the dentist and found a great one a short walk from the marina.  The filling cost us $100 E.C. here (approximately $37.00 U.S.).  Wow!

A cruise ship came into port each day while we were staying at the marina so the town of Basseterre stayed busy from sun up to sun down.  We decided to travel by bus to the other side of the island.  The buses are really minivans that are painted cool colors with artistic spray painted names above the bumpers.  There were some very unusual bus names like Hulk, The Equalizer, Sas, Scooby Doo, etc. It was like a roller coaster ride.  Lots of fast ups and downs with a few stops.  When we arrived in Dieppe Bay there wasn’t much going on.  A few houses had people and kids in front of them and the beach was brownish black sand with a lot of seaweed.  

     We found a small trailer, Linda’s Snack Shack where we had cheeseburgers all around.  We walked down the road to catch a bus to the other side of the island.  We stood on the side of the road and waved our hands and they picked us up.  What an adventure!

     Next stop Nevis.

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