
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mona Passage to Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

     The wind was predicted to be 10-15 knots out of the SE with seas 4-6 ft.  We decided to go for it.  The Mona was not as rough as we expected.  We stayed along the coast of the DR until Cabo Engano then went NE.  We were able to sail some of it.  After a few hours we changed course more SE to try and get into the wind shadow of PR which worked.  The wind and waves picked up in the afternoon but quieted down in the evenings.  
It took us about 36 hours in all.  We left on a Saturday afternoon from Samaná and arrived in Mayaguez by 9:30 pm Sunday night. 
Checking in was easy by phone and we were expecting to be boarded by the Department of Agriculture the next morning.  They were concerned about the Mediterranean Fruit Fly on produce we might have brought with us from the DR.  
We consumed everything we could from the DR and called the next day to be told not to worry about it.  Whew!
We found Myaguez to be a nice place.  Although it has mostly an industrial coastline the people were extremely friendly and helpful.  We found a local cafe to access the internet because our laptop decided to die on the trip over.  Paul discovered a bad hard drive so now we wait until we get to the next big port to head out to the big American type shopping centers to find us a new hard drive.  

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