
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Cabo Rojo

We anchored in Bahia Salinas the next night, made water and chilled out.  We sprang the anchor so the boat would face into the swell although the wind was hitting us on the side.  Neither Paul or I slept well thinking about our early morning departure around Cabo Rojo.
The wind was as predicted 20 knots sustained with 4-6 foot seas.  As we came around the east we were facing straight into it.  We both agreed that this is probably one of the roughest passages we have had yet.  Not only was it rough on the boat and all the contents inside the boat, but rough on the crew.  
We tacked back and forth with the reefed main until we were safely inside the reefs where it turned flat calm.  Unbelievable!
We stayed the next two nights anchored near La Paraguera. We found a nice lady named Carmen who let us tie up our dinghy at her shell shop and took the short walk through town.  
We took a dinghy ride as the sun set to Bahia Fosforecente which is a bioluminescent bay and  very cool!
We decided that the wind was calming down some and we should head out again into the ocean blue.  

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