
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Glass Window

The Glass Window is an interesting geological feature at Eleuthera's narrowest point.  It was a natural bridge until the ocean slowly eroded the weak point and broke it in two.  A man made bridge was used to keep the two parts of the island connected but was pushed sideways by a rogue wave in 1991.  After a while it was repaired and this is what it looks like now.
We had fun walking all around on the limestone and checking out the clear blue water. 

We decided to head slowly southeast along Eleuthera Island anchoring out in different spots.  

Halls Bight was an uncomfortable anchorage with a swell rolling in.  No beaches to visit here so the kids and I stayed aboard and Paul went spear fishing and shot four lion fish.  We feel we are doing our part to save the reef fish from getting eaten.  They are tasty fish but have very little meat on them.  

Hatchet Bay is a well protected anchorage from all directions.  The bay is man made from a salt pond for a cattle venture that never took off.  We all got off the boat to walk around Alice town.  It is a sleepy town without much going on.  It could be because we visited on a Sunday. 

Alabaster Bay is where we are now.  This is a beautiful beach and a wonderful place to relax.  With small sand bars and no current ripping through it has become one of our new favorite spots to play at the beach.  

We started homeschooling again, did laundry by hand, and made water along the way.  Paul is in the midst of repairing the water maker.  Tough when the nearest hardware store is miles away and we can only get there by boat.  He attempted a repair that resulted in a broken fitting.  So....

We sailed (no motoring yay!) to Rock Sound.  Along the way we caught a nice cero mackerel for dinner.  We hope to find the high pressure hose and fitting to get our water maker back up and running. 

The plan is to keep traveling along the coast then cross to the Exumas.

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