
Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Exumas

We have been to a lot of islands since our last post.  After Allen's Cay we went to Norman's Cay.  There we did our favorite things, snorkel on the sunken plane, go to the beach, and have conch fritters with the conch we found for dinner.
The wind started out blowing hard up to 20 knots out of the east, then just dropped off.  It has been light and variable for days now which keeps it hot and humid.
The light wind does make it easier to dive on spots that are usually to rough to get to.
After Norman's we spent time at Shroud Cay.  This is the beginning of the Exuma Land and Sea Park.  This is a no kill zone so Paul had to put his pole spear away.
At first we didn't see much sea life but then we anchored outside of the park quarters near Emerald Rock.  There we found amazing fish, lobster, rays and amazing sea life.  This is the first place we snorkeled without current so the kids were able to swim on their own.
We traveled farther south and found more caves to dive in and reefs to snorkel around.  This kids are now enjoying it more than ever.  They can name every fish they see. Rocky Dundas Cave was very cool, we are visiting more places now than we have before.
Pipe creek was next with the cool sand bar that leaves a small pond in the middle the kids love to swim in.  They call it their pool.  While we were spending the day there the kids noticed a small octopus in the pool that swam out to the big water.  As it swam it changed colors and we all felt so excited to see it all happen.
We stopped in Staniel Cay to provision at the Blue Store, Pink Store, and the Isle General Store.  You wouldn't think we needed to stop at all three but they all have different produce and items at varying prices.
We are now in Black Point getting our internet fix and then from here...
Not sure yet.  No wind keeps us wondering what to do next.

Attempted self portrait of us all.

My two favorite snorkelers in the whole world.

Boo Boo Hill

The lizards like to pose.

Our sign is below Majestic and above Dutchess in blue with the antlers next to it. 

This is our addition this year to the drift wood pile on top of Boo Boo Hill.

At Exuma Land and Sea Park the remains of a Sperm Whale.


  1. Looks like you guys are having a blast! I love the pictures.

  2. Hi, we will be in GT April 8th to about the 15th on Celebration. Hope to see you. Leah


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