
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life Is Simple Again

We are now officially cruisers again.  This last week we sold our car to a nice couple and their cute little 7 month old girl.  They are new in the United States from Poland and trying to make a go of it in Key West.  I think our minivan will be great for them.

The dodger is turning out awesome.  It is amazing to be able to see out and still be protected from wind and waves.  Woo hoo!!  Paul also cleaned the bottom and paid special attention to the propeller because we plan on using it quite a bit in the next few days.  The growth on the bottom of our boat he claims is always changing.  This time is was more like a big beard growing with tubular worm like creatures.  Eeewww!

Today we motored though the mooring field of Boot Key Harbor waving good bye to all of our friends.  We feel so fortunate to have found such a wonderful place to make our home for the past 10 months.  There are plenty of kid boats to spend time with and everyone else is very cruiser friendly.

Now we are anchored out and testing the water maker.  Everything is a go for tomorrow.  We plan to cross over to the Bahamas.  We are stuffing everything into a lockers if at all possible or lashing them down.  I know that something will be moving around while we cross over but the more we get locked in place the better.  Problem being we have so so so so so much stuff!!!

Going to the Bahamas!


  1. Hello Paul, Staci & kids!

    This is Steven Abate. Uncle Mario & Aunt Judy were in town this weekend and brought us up to date on the family. Very exciting to see what you guys have been up to. It looks like quite the experience and that you are having a blast!

    I saw that you berthed in Oriental, NC a few years back. We are a few hours from there. If you are ever cruising the ICW in NC in the future, please let me know. We would love to come down, say hello and catch up. And I would be happy to provide any assistance on the boat if needed. Both Wilmington, Oriental and other coastal areas are only 2-3 hours away from us.

    My contact info is below. We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully we can connect face to face at some point again.

    Warmest Regards,

    Steven Abate

  2. Hi
    Hope the crossing went well. Keep up the blog so we can live vicariously through while we are in the desert of Oman working.
    Richard & Leah (Viatori)


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