
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

West Bay, New Providence

This has been a nice place to anchor.  The boat rocks at night with the ocean swell coming in but Paul has a trick of springing the anchor to keep us faced into the swell.  Yea!
We have been to Clifton Heritage National Park to visit the beach and tomorrow may try and walk to the ruins.  
Today was a pretty average day for us.  I went for a run early, not on sand but on actual pavement.  Wow! I felt fast (Ha Ha!)
Paul took the folding bike over and rode to the store for provisions and updating our phone with a Bahamas data plan.  
Then we took the boat out to make water.  Since I am new to sailing and have not read much about it I am not familiar with this technique but now know the how and why.  We heaved to. This was a great way for us to make water and stay pretty close to shore.  Paul got to fish, I got to nap and the kids listened to some audio books while coloring and drawing.  
We made it back to the anchorage by dusk.  The sunset was nice and we are tucked back in for the night.  

Overall a great day. 
Our sunset tonight

1 comment:

  1. So close yet so far away. We are at a marina in Nassau if you ever head over this way, pretty much on the other side of Nassau. Let us know if you ever want to meet up.
    Carly, Carl, Capri and Cali


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