
Monday, January 27, 2014

Bimini - We are here!

As we left Dinner Key Mooring Facility we pulled into their slip for one last pump out and to fill our water tank.  The pump out stopped working just as we started so we had to call the office.  They sent someone out to take a look at it.  His exact words were "well, I don't know what I am going to be able to do."  He hit the thing a few times, then said the same words again.  A couple minutes later he said to give them 10-15 minutes and try again.  30 minutes later it was finally working.  Turns out their tank was full so they had to empty it before it would work again.  This seems to be a common theme in Miami.  If you don't get what you need to first time, be sure to ask someone else.  You are bound to get what you need if you have patience.
Pump out finally working.  You have to keep your finger on the button for the suction.  Really a two person job.

So towards sunset we anchored near President Nixon's old house (we could see the old helicopter pad).  We were surrounded by boats.
We left at 4:30 AM and started our journey towards Bimini along with a few other boats.  Paul calls it the Leisure Navy.  We made it here no problem and are checked in for 120 days.

It is still hard to believe that the ocean is this blue and clear.  Oh! and did I mention it is warm?

1 comment:

  1. I'm dreaming of being down there on the boat with you guys. This below zero stuff is for the birds!


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