
Monday, January 27, 2014

Bimini - We are here!

As we left Dinner Key Mooring Facility we pulled into their slip for one last pump out and to fill our water tank.  The pump out stopped working just as we started so we had to call the office.  They sent someone out to take a look at it.  His exact words were "well, I don't know what I am going to be able to do."  He hit the thing a few times, then said the same words again.  A couple minutes later he said to give them 10-15 minutes and try again.  30 minutes later it was finally working.  Turns out their tank was full so they had to empty it before it would work again.  This seems to be a common theme in Miami.  If you don't get what you need to first time, be sure to ask someone else.  You are bound to get what you need if you have patience.
Pump out finally working.  You have to keep your finger on the button for the suction.  Really a two person job.

So towards sunset we anchored near President Nixon's old house (we could see the old helicopter pad).  We were surrounded by boats.
We left at 4:30 AM and started our journey towards Bimini along with a few other boats.  Paul calls it the Leisure Navy.  We made it here no problem and are checked in for 120 days.

It is still hard to believe that the ocean is this blue and clear.  Oh! and did I mention it is warm?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bahama Bound

We are in Miami and had a wonderful surprise visit from my friend Julie and her Daughter Zoe.
Part of our visit was spent in South Beach, definitely a place to visit and the other part at Dinner Key Mooring Field.

After getting the last minute things done our plan is to more over near No Name Harbor to prepare to cross tomorrow.

Weather looks promising and a lot of boats are going to make their way over.

We have been meeting more kid boats this year and are looking forward to having more play time for the kids and the adults!

More soon from the BAHAMAS!
Nicholas is a good reader and loves to read with Daddy.

Julie enjoying South Beach Miami.

Samantha and Zoe playing on the boat. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ft. Lauderdale

Our next stop was Vero Beach, also known as “Velcro Beach”.  Probably because it is so nice. This is a beautiful place with moorings and a free shuttle to town.  While there we met up with our friends on Quartet.  We only stayed a day anchored out because we had to get to Stuart for our   mail arriving.  

Along with Crocs we received our Dominican Republic courtesy flag and diesel filters.  While in Stuart we met up with our friends from Ruach II.  They are renting a house for the month while they get a new engine in their boat.  What a treat for us!  Play dates with their kids, pizza movie nights, taco movie nights (any excuse for a movie).  Free laundry, hot showers and a heated pool.

It was time to move on again.  This time our destination Fort Lauderdale.  We discovered during high winds that our wind generator was overcharging our battery.  Hence the trip to Fort Lauderdale to get it fixed.  Seems that not a day goes by that something doesn’t need to be replaced, repaired or maintained on the boat.  

On our way south we stopped at Peck Lake where the kids played in the surf (without life vests, a first).  They came back to the boat covered in sand.  I am the sand police so the kids immediately went to the shower with lots of soap.  Paul keeps telling me I am fighting a loosing battle but I refuse to give up.  I can’t imagine what the boat would look like if I gave up the battle against sand… 

Next stop was Peanut Island in Lake Worth.  This island is small but has beautiful beaches and we were able to break out the snorkeling gear.  The water temperature was warm but I still wanted my shortie wet suit so of course the kids did too.  I think little wet suits are so cute!

Now we are where we need to be for the wind generator.  Fort Lauderdale.  Just when I think I have seen all there is to see in the boating world, surprise.  A mega yacht with a helicopter, with its own cover.  Wow!  There is definitely money floating in the water down here. 

While here we met up with Quartet again.  I think we are going to be seeing a lot of them.  Yea!
Also our friends Charlie and Judy on Tequesta just showed up today.  This will be one of our first times meeting up with them on their boat instead of their house in St. Augustine.  

Party time in Fort Lauderdale.
Christmas in Seattle

Lots of things to do in Seattle

Jumpy Castle place Rules!

Aunt Sara and Uncle Tom have a big dog!

Samantha wins at Monopoly AGAIN!

Helicopter on a boat?  

Samantha catching the rain water leaks in our boat.

Little wet cute.

Handsome new haircut.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back to the Boat

Happy Holidays!
We had a wonderful time visiting family in Seattle.  The kids have a whole new set of toys, games, activities to keep them busy for the next year.

Now we are making our way south for warmer weather once again.