
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Road trip to Quebec

We left the boat in Gloucester, MA and rented a car to visit Staci's friend, Julie, and her family in Quebec.  We have been here for four days and are headed back to the boat today, but they are going to drive down to Portland, ME. to meet up again on Wednesday for some sailing. It's the first time we've slept off the boat since beginning our trip.

Montreal is a wonderful city and we've had a great time.

Taking the launch to shore after leaving Shambala on a mooring in Gloucester

The kids got new booster seats for the ride.

Our groovy rental car

The kids with Luc and Zoe outside their home

Felix and Nicholas 

The wrecking crew

The Metro

Lunch downtown

Nicholas and Justin wasted no time getting in the fountains

Old Port, Montreal on the St. Lawrence River

Nicholas with his abstract box painting titled "Night going away"

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