
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Eagle Island, ME

After Jewell Island we took a day trip to Eagle Island State Park.  This is the former home of Admiral Robert Peary who was the first person to reach the North Pole.  Nicholas was curious if he met Santa Claus while visiting but we said he was probably on vacation at the time.  After leaving Eagle we attempted to find a mooring near Seguin Island.  We arrived at low tide and still had 4 feet under the keel but the mooring was questionable with other large boats near us and rocks so close we chose to move on instead of staying up all night fending ourselves off.  We then tried the next anchorage Five Islands 1.5 hours away and had the same issue with the mooring there.  Just across the river we found another place to anchor near Love Cove.  Finally a peaceful nights sleep.

Robert Peary's Home

Listening to the audio tour.

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