
Monday, June 3, 2013

We were on TV!

Paul's cousin Nick is a host on a television show called Right This Minute and they did a little story on us. Here is a link to it:

We are saying goodbye to Sara and Tom today as they have to get back to Seattle. We've really enjoyed them being here and can't wait for their next visit, maybe up in New England toward the end of the summer. Today we'll do a little provisioning and head northwest toward Great Sale Cay to wait for a window to cross back to the States. There is the chance of a tropical storm forming in the Gulf of Mexico later in the week so we will just wait it out and go when it looks good. If we have 3 or 4 days of favorable weather we will get as far north as we can before heading into port. Hopefully we'll make Savannah or Charleston but if we don't get the window we'll just cross to Fort Pierce,Fl and jump up the coast in hops. We want to avoid the Intracoastal Waterway as much as we can because it starts to get a little tedious motoring and waiting for the bridges to open.

Our time in the Bahamas has been awesome and the past three months have really flown by. We're looking forward to our trip up the East coast through the summer and then back here by next winter.

Our last day here.  A great time was had by all.
We won't have any internet access until we get back to the states so this is our last post from the Bahamas.
Sara,Tom,and the kids at Coco Bay


  1. Neat video! So neat that I met you in Port Clinton. I was so worried when you told me what you were going to do but now really don't worry about you. You seem to be doing fine and having a great time. Stay safe!!

    Janie B

  2. Neat video. So glad I met you just before you left Port Clinton. It's been fun reading about your adventures. I worried at first but now feel okay!! Stay safe.

    Janie B


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