
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Exuma Land and Sea Park

We are at Warderick Wells in Exuma Land and Sea Park on a mooring for a few days. We are expecting a little weather on Friday so we are just going to stay put and explore the island and surrounding waters. The snorkeling is great here because the entire park is a "no take zone". Samantha has real gotten hooked on snorkeling while Nicholas is going in with a mask but hasn't figured out the snorkel yet. Monday and Tuesday we dove on a plane that crashed in the 70's off of Norman's Cay and Samantha loved it. There we're two stingrays about 6 feet long below us but it didn't bother her at all.

The sailing has been great with 10-15 knot winds everyday. We only have to use the motor to get out of the anchorages and then we sail for 10 or 15 miles to the next island and beautiful beach.

Yesterday we went out in the Exuma Sound (deep water) to fish for a couple of hours. We only hooked  one fish who peeled a bunch of line off the reel but we lost him on the way in.

Skeleton of a Sperm Whale who died from eating plastic

Boo-Boo Hill
People carve or paint there vessel name on driftwood and
 leave it here for good luck.

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