
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No Bahamas Today

We got up this morning at 2:00 ready to go to Bimini. Our anchorage behind Rodriquez Key was calm with a nice south wind so we decided to go for the crossing of the Gulf Stream. We put up the mainsail and hauled up the anchor. As we sailed out of the anchorage the seas slowly started to build as we made our way toward the reef that protects the Hawk Channel from the Straits of Florida. The closer we got to the Straits, the bigger the seas got. By the time we got to Molasses Reef light we were bashing through waves and taking water over the bow in complete darkness. Just as we crossed the reef and got to the Straits a very big wave lifted the boat and we decided the seas were only going to get worse. Going back to bed sounded better than being tossed around like a bath toy so we headed back to the anchorage and dropped the anchor. We made our way up to the north side of Key Largo and are going to stick around here to wait for the wind to come around again. It looks like next week there will be a good window to cross.

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