
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On to the Keys

After sailing away from Miami we stayed at Steamboat creek and the wind was almost nothing. Mosquitos were everywhere.
The next day we dropped by Gilbert's Marina did some laundry that was piling up then moved on to shop at Divers Direct. Both kids have nice wet suits now.
We stayed at Sunset Bay then stayed at a mooring ball at Lignum Vitae Key. The wind blew strong so we were rocked all night and no bugs.
As we moved to be near Marathon at Horseshoe Key we sailed by a ton of crab/fish traps. Very difficult to avoid while keeping the wind in the sails.
We hooked a trap three different times. Each time requiring Paul to dive on the boat to free us up. Not sure if the picture shows the traps well but they were everywhere.
We are here and taking advantage of the great fishing. Amazing how the fish are being caught one after the other.

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