
Thursday, January 10, 2013

From Jensen Beach to Jupiter Narrows, FL

We finally feel like we are cruising.

No longer in a rush to get south, the weather is fantastic.  The nights are in the high 60's and the days in the high 70's.  The water is starting to look more blue and clear.

Paul has been fishing along the beach and the kids are enjoying the sand cliffs and building sand forts.  The best part for them is watching the waves knock them flat.
We are getting to use one of our Christmas gifts and have picnics on the boat.  We have our big meal mid day and then a smaller meal for dinner.  It saves from doing a lot of dishes and cooking when we are all tired.

Captain Nay Nay/td>

Captain Mama

Guess what is missing from this picture

Samantha lost her first tooth!

Pulling up the anchor at Jensen Beach

Yes! Caught the first fish.

Now catching fish number two just minutes later.

Fish number three.  Wow!  They like this bait.

The fort has been breached.

This fort worked until the tide came in.

Jensen Beach was a bit rough because the anchorage was unprotected from the south winds but Peck Lake near Jupiter Inlet has been smooth and cool.

1 comment:

  1. I've never fished in the surf, bet it's a lot different than fly fishing in the rivers :)

    Looks like you guys are doing great.


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