
Friday, December 14, 2012

Still Hard At It

Paul is progressing well with the dinghy and we are taking turns sewing new cushion covers in our evening hours.  Some of these pictures are from our new camera as the other one didn't make it through the washing machine in working condition.
Some Christmas presents were given early mostly because the kids were with us while shopping at Costco.

New snorkel gear

They love each other most of the time.

Samantha gets to use the camera.  This is the start of her pictures.

Self portraits.

Yea for a Costco being here in Florida!


  1. Cute pictures! Paul sure is a handy man to have around. Sorry I didn't get to meet him. Glad things are going fine for you.

  2. I think you should name the dinghy "Ice Cream" because that seems to be a common thread in your journey ;-)


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