
Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

Thanksgiving was a quiet time anchoring just outside of Georgetown. We spent the day cleaning the boat and having a nice Thanksgiving dinner.
Tonight we are just outside of Charleston at an anchorage in Church Creek.
The weather was warm and sunny the past two days and we are all loving it.
The Elf On The Shelf showed up today in our hanging fruit basket of all places.
Christmas is coming and we are far from all of the Black Friday activity. Guess we will have to shop online when we can.
A bird perched on the mast late Thursday night and stayed all night. Maybe it needed a ride South for the winter, if so it picked the right boat. Unfortunately the next morning the boat was covered in foul fishy smelling bird poop.
No more birds will be hitching a ride with us.
The channel is narrow through this area and we ran aground again. Fortunately our boat is awesome and the ground was soft mud so we made it out without having to call sea tow.
We will pay more attention to the warnings on active captain from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, that first picture of you is MONEY. Keep on chooglin', and a jolly black friday to all!


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