
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Union Island

Smooth sailing!

We have been doing a lot of sailing now and it has been wonderful!
Our next stop after the Tabago Cays was Chatham Bay on Union Island.  As soon as we arrived we were approached by a panga with two guys asking if we wanted to come to their restaurant for dinner that night.  We said no thanks and they said no problem.  Then we were approached by another panga with another offer for dinner, this one much less expensive so we took them up on the offer.  The name of the restaurant was Aqua and it was beautiful.  We enjoyed some nice fish and watched the sunset over the bay.  

Next day we went to Clifton to check out of St. Vincent and the Grenadines where we found slow internet and amazing rotis for $10 EC with brownies for $5 EC.  The name of the place was Yummys and it was yummy!

Next stop Grenada.  Whoop! Whoop!  We made it!