
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sailing in December

Picture from the hospital work party. 
Marathon weather has been mostly warm in the 80’s with some cold fronts moving through at times.  Seems that the city tries to make it feel like Christmas by celebrating every chance they get with lots of lights and Santa coming 1-3 times a week to somewhere in town.  He usually arrives on the back of a firetruck with lights and sirens to make sure he arrives safely.  Along with this there are lots of treats.  Treats from school, treats from the marina, treats from fellow boaters, and treats from family.  We are all pretty much sugared out, if that is possible.  

The marina has been especially nice to all the kids this season by opening up the marina for decorating stockings and old mooring balls that were painted green and red.  The stocking were hung in the marina and filled with all kinds of treats and toys for the kids by all the boaters and marina staff. 

Christmas on the boat was lots of fun.  Santa found his way and left presents with stocking stuffers.  It is hard to stay away from all the consumerism when you live in the United States.  After being in the Bahamas I have realized the amount of “stuff” that is readily available here is overwhelming.  “Stuff” being everything from boat parts, clothes, shoes, toys, etc.  The prices are considerably less here in the States compared to the Bahamas and the selection of items can be a bit mind boggling. 

Christmas Day we went for out for a motor/sail to anchor out for a couple of nights.  We haven't taken the boat out since Labor Day.  It felt so great to be back to cruising, even if it was only for 2 nights.   

Our countdown has started for our trip to the Bahamas and then to the Caribbean.  I will be blogging more about our preparations as we get closer and closer to our departure date.  The date itself is written in the sand, nautical term for we really don’t have an exact date yet.  Maybe in the next month or two? 

Be prepared, there are a lot of pictures to follow...
The beginning of the tear out for new cabinets.  Previously used as storage with large plastic bins.

The finished product.  Paul will install sliding doors to hold everything in while underway.  
Nicholas is at the hair salon with his fake reading glasses.

Samantha's winter picture.  Guess who is getting the snowball in the face?

Decorating their stoking for the marina.

Samantha's decorated mooring ball. 

Nicholas's decorated mooring ball.  (note to self, hot glue gun does cause burns on little fingers Oops!)

Playing Legos with cousin Timmy.

Hanging with cousin Mikel.

I still can't believe how old Mikel looks.

Fun time with Grandma Nee Nee.

Just one of the many beautiful sunsets here in Boot Key Harbor. 

Our Christmas tree on the boat. 

Orenda has their boat decorated. Notice Yoda and Mikey on their boom. 

Brenda from afar. 

The tree of knowledge with hanging mooring balls.



Where else but in Marathon, FL would you find Christmas lights with a lighthouse and a fish?

Or a pink flamingo?

Or a sea horse?

Manatee and her baby at the dinghy dock.

Nicholas has his own holiday artwork. 

Work celebration of Festivus.  For all of you Seinfeld watchers we started with the metal pole (no tinsel because it's distracting)

We had the airing of grievances (very funny), festivus miracles, and feats of strength.